Faith Gospel Tabernacle Ministries

Redesigning an organization

A much needed and complete redesign that was a long time coming

Case study

Creative direction


Creative direction
Visual Identity
Business systems

Starting off

The stakeholders and workers at this organization really disliked the look of their website and the design that they used on a daily basis.

  • The existing logo design was done years prior.
  • Unsatisfied with their current visual presence.
  • Design was done in-house with no design department.
  • Needed a functional website for new and existing users.


A client-centered focus where I brought them along each phase so it easier to make decisions or so I thought.


I spent a few weeks diving into understanding. There was no baseline data to work from so I dove in looking into competitive information, matching client needs and defining success metrics. I met formally with the main stakeholders to understand clearly their needs were. As a result received references of the design elements they wanted to incorporate.

Faith Gospel Tabernacle's Design StandardsFaith Gospel Tabernacle's Design Standards


I started to play around with the logo lockup using the cross(t) and colour to see what would actually work and whether it met accessibility standards. I kept the client included as much as possible to get the feedback that was needed to make the logo lockup and best colour they preferred from the swatch they gave me.


After initial feedback and revisions I arrived at just the right design direction to create everything that would satisfy their needs.

New design standards: Logo lockup versions and spacing
New design standards: Logo symbols spacing
New design standards: Logo symbol spacing
New design standards: A variety of design elements


Before launching we made sure to test and iron out bugs within the team. I went on to deliver a few more things including training on how to use their new website cms. For future releases we'd use the data to identify areas of improvement.

New design standards: Colours and Typogrpahy